Thursday, 19 June 2014

SEO Interview Question And Answer

Dear friends! this is Ankit Nayak From Ahmedabad, Gujarat India. I explain here SEO Interview Question and answer  here with my experience. I think it is useful for SEO Executive and new user too who want to know about SEO Profile. So I explain here Some extra Ordinary question and answer. So This nice posting about SEO is useful to you and your Tell also your friends too. you can share it on face- book and other social site. Please Subscribe me for Upcoming new Events.

Let Start question and answer ; take care and read it carefully,  I add always new if i Get new more about SEO Update.So keep touch with me. You can connect with me on face- book and other Social site.
You are most Welcome on this nice About SEO Tutorial.

Que- What is SEO?

Answer-  SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization . It is a technique or platform that help the website to come / visible in Search engine like as Google, Yahoo, Bing and MSN and others.We can say that SEO is way to work on a huge of website. we share our link or view of our website on other site. It is useful for online business. it help to connect and tell about our business to the people of the world, we do a lots for seo like as, Link Submission, Bookmarking, Article submission , form Submission, blogging and share link and our view on many social website.

Que- Why SEO is necessary for Website?

Answer- It is very important , As we know that there is no value of any website until that is not popular in the world or country. if the people of world will not know about website then that website like as dead. so if we want to increase our business  or want to popular individual then we have to do a lots  for this purpose . For this reason  we have to do many process that should be continuous. We have to do many work for our website like as On Page SEO And Off page SEO. So that we will visible in search engine in the world. These two process is about 80% is necessary for any Website. So we can say that SEO is very important for Website.

Que- What is main factor of SEO or how many types/ kinds of SEO? Describe Each.

Answer- It is nice and Important Question in SEO,  SEO is mainly two types On Page SEO and Off Page SEO.

On Page SEO--> On Page SEO is very Important for SEO point of view. it is just like the base of building. if the base is not strong then building can not be durable, like as this on Page SEO is not done well then all thing is useless for site. So that it is  done by familiar  and expert person in SEO. It is process of creating Meta Tag Tittle Tag head Tag and Body tag. Description of Content should be also unique and related to business. it should be correct and not copy for another site. It is very useful for On Page SEO.

other many things are also useful for On Page SEO. I will explain it after in details.

Off Page SEO-->After Creating of Website and doing ON Page , The Work of Off Page is start. Off Page is SEO is very Important for Website, because On Page is done One time and change if require update but off page SEO Never End. It is continuous process for Site, If we do not Work on Off Page SEO for site then No traffic rank and user visit on our site , so that our business of site or popularity of site  will be Zero for Search engine.

We have to do many things for off page such as Link Submission, Directory submission, Bookmarking, Blogging, Form Submit, Article submission, Classified  and other share link   and comment on many other social site like as Face book twitter, Linked LN.. All Above is Necessary  for Off Page SEO. It is Long period Work , so we have to be passion and faith for SEO. We have to regularity for Off Page SEO,
So We can say that Off page SEO is Such prcess that we have to work untill we not full satisfied with our site.

Que -What is Blog? why it is Important for Website?

Answer-->Blog is Very Important for Website, It is also like as website, We can say that blog is Sub site . We can share about our site and our view with user, It is just like electronic Diary where we save on line line data. We can share our knowledge and though before friends and all people of the world. Search Engine Also give performance of our blog if it is useful for other . Content should note be copy from other site.Two famous website for blogging 1. Blogger 2. Word Press. Other many site provide to create blog free. you can visit here The Top list of blogging Websites here. and create you own blog .

Que- What is Link Building?

Answer-- Link building is a very nice technique to Increase traffic rank of site. If any other site gives a link for our site then the visiting on our site is increase ,the result of this is is very -very useful to our site. So should link exchange with our site related website then it is very useful. We should submit link on daily 20 to 30 website. it should be regularity way.
 See the Link Submission site here/

What is  RSS Feed burner? why it is Important?

Answer -- RSS Feed  burner is very Important on our website. We are not possible that we tell each and every our User for our new update about our site, then it is question that what is method that the changing or new content is to be updated on site then RSS feed burner help with this great Problem. RSS Feed burner tell our user about new update. When the user subscribe our website. After Subscribing each and every update the message will reach automatically on their subscribing Email and he/ she can view easily to our new update.

Simply it can be created by RSS Feed Burner Website. For this go to the Google and search Create RSS feed burner then it ask about the Address of Site and Email . Follow all steps and create it. after creation go to our site and add it with Given Html Code by feed burner. I describe it after some days..

What Is Broken Link-?

Ans- When Our link is not working properly, it meant when we click on Link and not go to destination Path or address then it is called broken link. it may be spelling mistake or destination Places is not available. So we get error message.

What is cps- ?

Ans - It stands for click per cost. It is method of earning Online line money by Add. When and user/ visitor Click on on Add link then it is count in our account.Google or other Ad word service provide us money for it. if our site is popular and visited a lots of people daily then we earn by it easily.
What is Google sand box?

Ans- Google sand box is an Imaginary Area where a authorized sites kept by Google and When we search the Related Information Google provide us. For this it is necessary that we build link of own site in many build linking site and social network site so that visitor reach on website and search the specific Information.

What is Limitation of Tittle tag and description tag?

Ans - About 60-70 char is for tittle tag and  150 to 170 char for description tag is more useful for website or any blog. so we should always take care of this.

How many tools are used in doing SEO?

Ans-- We use mostly Google webmaster tool, Google analytic tool, open site explorer , Alexa and website grader . it is best and trustful tool for SEO.

How to increase page rank of website?

Ans-- We have to do a lots for this as for example Link building on high pr  authorized website, share link on social Networks website, Bookmarking on site, Link exchange and write true and fresh content. these are very Important for ranking of the any site.

Tell me 5 Bookmarking site name-

Ans-- The popular bookmarking site are digg, Delicious, tumblr , pintrest and reddit are famous for Bookmarking.
you can see more bookmarking site here

Tell  top 5 Blogging website Name.

Ans-- Top five blogging site are -- Word press, Blogger, Rediff, weebly blog, And edublog. these are most famous.
see more Blogging sites  click here

What is Classified Site? Why it is Important?

Ans-- Classified sites are just like platform or place for advertisement ,when we want to Advertise our site our business site on net then it is very useful. User visit on site directly or indirectly from it. it is instant useful for site, we can see link or tittle of our site in Google search easily by it. but is is not durable, after some days or some month it is automatically deleted. but mention not it is very very useful for website or business.

Some Classified website are following----,, Indiabackpage .com, Mango,,  etc.

you can see here more classified sites here

What is PDF submission? why it is important for SEO point of view?

Ans- PDF is personal data format which is very important for seo. when we submit pdf file on pdf website then too much visitor go to the site without any disturbance of site. our content always keep safe . because no body copy of change in our pdf submit file. --- so it is useful for website page rank.

 we always see pdf file when i search any topic in Google. so i think it is useful.

See here PDF submission site list.

What is Article ? Why it is Necessary for SEO?

Ans- Article is such a topics that Explain in depth of any Special Subjects. It describes in fresh and unique information. it explain about 400 to 600 words. it is very important for SEO point of view. It is always useful for Website page rank. it helps because Google gives credit to new and fresh content . Article is such a thing that fill this problem. We should write article in 4 -5 paragraph. The word which is used should be grammatically correct. The meaning of article should be clear view of specific topics.

We should submit Article in high pr site because it shows instance improvement for website.
Some Instance Improve Websites are given here. Article site List.

What is Press Release? Why it is Important for SEO or website?

Ans- Press Release is just instance New about your website. Anything you update on your website, you can tell your visitors about your updated product or content  through press release. So we can say that press release such a content that describe the latest new about specific product or event or news.

It is very useful for SEO point of view. because you introduce the visitors of your newly lunched product or other things. It helps to rank of site because it is new content for Google and unique for Search Engine.
we should always write press Release  New Message about our products or website, content should be 400- 600 words. it should be grammatically correct and use Simple language because  all visitor can reads well and understand well what to say.

What is difference between Bookmarking and Directory.

Ans - Bookmarking is just help to get traffic on website. We can bookmark our website/ blog on many other social sites through meta tag description. We can write bookmarking description along with meta tags and tittle related. We have to describe that what's about our site is. if People watch the short and interested description through bookmarks then they visit our site through given link. So we can say that Bookmarking is very helpful to increase traffic on our website or blog. visit here to bookmark site list

Where as- Directory is Link building process of our website or blog. it means we send a link request to other website owner or blog owner to give a link for out website or blog  on their website or blog or specific directory. The is useful when we request for same category as our website /blog. we should submit a link on specific category and specific website. otherwise it is not useful.

In Directory we have to tell the owner that what about our site belong. So we should write directory description very clear about our Product or business. We can post a directory on many sites.

What is difference between Google webmaster Tool and Google Analytic Tool.

Ans- Google webmaster tool provide you all information about you website. how many and what is problem on your site. if any message regarding error or other then it tell you by message. any new update the tell you also.It means you can tell that all the information keep the webmaster tool. If you update any data or content then robots visit the webmaster toll and collect all the information about your site. It also tell about broken link, and html validation errors, you can remove it or resolve it.

Where as Google Analytic keep the all information about your website visitor. It keep all the information that how much search in one day one week one year or all time, it tells us where from visitor comes from. it tell all times and location of visitor.It also tell about the keyword searches, traffic result. who visit from which keyword.

What is Robot.txt file? How to apply Robot.txt file on the server?

Answer : Robot is such a Technology that provides the permission to specially search engine robots on the webpage. I mean, Robot allow or disallow to hovering/crawling (searching) search engine robots on specific page you want.
Suppose you want to crawl all the Page by search Engine robot then the Coding of robots.txt will be following

It allow all access for robots on all page on your website

Suppose you wish that no any search engine robots crawl on your site because it is your private and secret Document on the website (Specially Any Company data based Website) then you should be use the following robot.txt coding
Disallow: /

It prevents from robot to crawling on your all website page.

Now suppose you want to prevent to crawling specific page on your website then you should be use the following robots.txt coding

Disallow: /Contact-Us/    (Contact-Us is you Page Name)

If you wish any other page also disallow (1,2 or more page)then you should be use the following Coding-

Disallow: /Contact-Us.html/
Disallow: /About-Us.html/
Disallow: /Blog.html/   

(.html is extension of page, if your page has other the use your page like About.aspx, or About.php or so on)

Note: It is Important that you have to use new line for disallow next page.
It is wrong method (Disallow: /Contact-Us/About-Us/Blog/) So don’t such coding.

Now if you wish to Only  Google Search Engine Robots crawl on your Website then in this Condition you will have to Use Google Robots.txt coding like the following ;
User-agent: Google

Note: I want to tell you one thing that Each And Every Search Engine has own Robots coding so better is that you Search in Google for their coding.. You get more online website tool to generate robots.txt file for different Search Engine. So I am sorry here that I can’t write each robots.txt coding.

How many types of errors on the Server? What is Page Redirect Response by Server side? What is meaning of different type or error on the page like as 301 errors, 302 errors, 404 errors, and many More? How can we solve these types of problems?

Friends here I want to say you that there are different types of errors on the website. Some errors produced due to server side and some are produced due to our website Coding errors. Some errors are big issue for website and some are not such big problem for website point of view.

I describe here one- by one and if I am able to give solutions then I will share with you here so read below:
301 error: - If you search the page and server respond (message) the 301 errors. It means the page you are searching is permanently moved a new location.  It means now you get the information on any new page (new URL) location.

302 error: if you see the 302 status on page, it means the page you are searching is temporarily moved a new location. It means the page can come on already formed url after some hour/days. Weak/ months/years /etc.
404 errors:  If you Click on URL or enter URL in browser and message/ status show 404 errors, it means Server Communicate to client but unable to find out your given URL Address right now.

The Solution for this error may be following:

·         Check your given URL address once again. May be URL Meaning Mistake, May be Case sensitive (upper case or lower case)
·         Refresh 1, 2 or more times page
·         Check Internet Connectivity
·         Your Requested URL is not available now server. It may be removed on server this time.
·         If you confirm that you page is available on server then you should be delete cooking cache and browsing history of your Firefox. And try again.
·         If you did all these above and you are unable yet then you can check / change DNS server.
Note: if you now confirm all and unable to open it means the URL is not found on the Internet service and you should be create new one. Or you can tell the Responsive Person about this.

403 error:  This is very Important error message on the website; if you search the Specific URL and respond 403 errors it means it is not give permission you to open on the internet. This page is made for special Visitor that have permissions or Authority to access.

So this 403 error, it may be show Customized error message as Author write Alert message.
It occur due to following
·         You are not allowed to open this.
·         The page you search is banned by search engine term and condition
·         The page is not Access denied by server
·         Your Location or IP Address is blocked to open like this URL.
·         The Page is now in black listed due to legal concern
If you are Admin of the website then you may solve this error by following Ways.
·         You can check to delete cookie and browsing history of Firefox
·         If you banned then you should be Follow the term and condition of server rules and regulation
·         You should be requested to Service provider about regarding this and wait for Approval
·           If you unable then you should be Contact by Mail forum, Phone and tell about your problem and get help.
·         If your problem solve then you should not do such Activity so that your site blokes once again. Follow the term and condition of server and ruled Government IT Rules Regulation.

What is 408 Error in Webpage?

Ans- 408 Error Means you Request the Server but too much time take and not load the page,  is called 408 Errors. Some time such problem faces you. You enter the URL and moving load sign a long time (about 50 to 120 sec) and at last show the error “time out server not responds”. It is 408 Error.

How to Solve the 408 Error?
There are following issue of 408. See some Guidance Regarding this issue may be it solve your problems
·         Refresh the page 3 0r 4 times may be reload
·         Check in different fire fox
·         Check your internet speed if all site open slow then you should be try after some time.
·         Some time a lots of visitor online the website so it may be take some time due to traffic reason so try some time later or refresh the page
·         You should be trying in search though search engine such as Google or Yahoo and the open it, maybe you use wrong URL.
·         If you faces problem yet then you should be delete cookie and history and try it again.
·         If you face this problem one or two days continue then you should be contact with website service provider and told regarding this issue
·         If you face this problem yet then you should be contact with help more option to service provider.

What is 503 error in Website?

Ans- It generally occurs when website is temporally un available to service. May be it is under construction or admin remove from server temporally or stop the service right now. In this condition service show the 503 error message.

How to resolve this 503 issue?

Ans- Admin knows properly this reason but if you don’t know about this you can try some guidelines below.
·         Refresh the page 4 or 5 times, may be open
·         It is closed for temporally so you should be waiting for 1 or 2 days, maybe it is under developing.
·         Some time admin close the url / website for personal reason so you can contact by social media site or message him/ her regarding this.
·         Sometimes some online shopping site occur this problem and user click on 2 or three times on pay button, if you do such activity they you may have to payment 2 or 3 times so don’t click on twice on shopping site pay button. Although shopping site restrict this types of problem but now a daze a lots of such unknown shopping site are available in market, so beware of this.
·         If admin not block site or URL. Then Admin suggested here, you can switch of modem or system and restart once again, maybe it is solved.
·         You should be changing your router or internet service provider and check it.
·         If you face this problem right now then contact with service provider.

How to improve page rank in Google, Yahoo, and Bing?

The answer of this question is very long. I explain here step by- by step so read carefully all the following topics which I am going to post here.

You can find many answers through the search and I think you will not fully satisfy with them. So I am trying to solve your problems. So rest assured and read my all post. I think you will get here lots here about SEO tips and trick that will help you improve rank to your websites/blog. I explain here by suitable question and answer. So let’s start:-

How to start to do SEO?

First of all for SEO we have a unique website or Blog which explain or describe a specific category such as entertainment, business, History, Tour and travel, food, education, organization etc. The website or blog should be well designed that is attracts for visitor and quick loading. It should be explain all information in details and true. The content should be unique and easy for readable to all people because the visitor do not stay more time on the website which has a vast and lengthy explanation.

Therefore the content should be interesting and useful for visitor. So you site content full fill all desired of the visitor which your site contains, the resource should be also available as describe. If your site explains better and you are providing service as you explain then visitor will understand you that you are false and they will not visit again on your site. So the service must have available as you mention in website or blog.

Now if all things that are mention above are available on your site then start do SEO.

Now I want to explain the followings things. You should be doing as I describe here.
If your site is ready Then you can do As following Activities Through Off Page SEO.
You can see about On page Activities Below  directly .
You can do must these..
1.Classified -  For instance visitor and do business as soon as with the help of you certain website then you should be post your add on classified sites. simply create profile with the help of G-mail Id and Log in and  fill the form as your business.Give the real address and real website address and mobile No etc.

2. Book Marking-  For Create Back link for you site or Tell the visitor about your website You should be do Bookmarking On Social Site or Other Bookmarking sites. It helps too much in increasing ranking.

3. Directory Submission - you should be do directory submission for ranking the websites , these days people ignore it, but I think it also help to improve the site rank if the web owner give a link on their site. I think your site has good page rank and suitable site category then they must share your link. you must remember that you submission category should be suitable as much as  possible to your site category. The directory sites are available for premium or free. you can choose your wishing value. it is also free.

4.Article Submission - It is very important part of off page SEO. It helps in Page Rank more to  than other activities . Because it fully describes about your website product or service. The article must have 400- 600 words long and unique for the Google or other search engine, it means do not copy the content form other site or your other article too. other wise it harm for your website.

5. Press Release submission-  Press release submission is also like article submission . it also help too much to traffic and page rank . So you must do this for your site. it tells all update news about your site. so you should be explain your product or service news though it. It also contain 400 to 600 words and should be unique.

6. PDF Submission - you can can use  article content  to do PDF Submission. simply convert it into PDF format and post the upload it on PDF sites. . you can share it on social sites. it also helps to increase your site page rank.

7. Blog Submission  - Blog helps you too much to increase your page rank. It is just like your sub-site. you can create a beautiful blog and earn as website. you can promote your sire or business through Blog. Blog should be always update as your service or product.

8. Video Submission - You can also upload video about your business and product. it also a part of SEO. I think is interesting thing. so visitor understand about your product very well through the video. you can describe live thorough the video so the visitor faith in your service or product.

9. Blog Commenting -  Friend blog commenting is also an activity of off page SEO. It help us to increase traffic and link building. here important that which blog is suitable for commenting so i want to tell you that comment that blog which belong to your website or blog category , suppose your website or blog is belong to story site then you must comment to story related site.

here i want to tell you how to find related  category of blog, simply go to the Google search and write there as follow:    site:"love story"       here if get only blogger blog to comment so it is easy to find the blog site related to you blog. you can change or other blog site address.
In blog commenting description never write about your blog or website..  you should write about their blog how is it. you should praise their blog and suggest do better.

if you want to comment on link then you should not directly give website/ blog address. you should give the link on related keyword. as follow.

Suppose you are commenting for story website the you should  write as <a href = "your website url">Best love Story</a>

Now i think you understood better and easy way to commenting blog. if any confusion the email me or comment your question. you are most welcome.

10. Image commenting -  Image commenting is like as blog commenting. you should write in comment description as i mention above .

Now problem is that which how to find the image for commenting.

Don't worry like as blog find here as follow. "love story"    now you get flicker image commenting site list visit the site and click on the image and comment as you wish. you can drop your link as blogger or word press here too. ex -
<a href = "your website url">Best love Story</a>

Note: for comment on flicker image you must have login in you yahoo account. if you have yahoo email id then login with them other wise you should have create email account in yahoo for this.

Note : I will tell you more about off page SEO activities. kindly visit again and again or subscribe my blog for new updates.Thanks.

How should be content on the site?

Answer- The content on the site is very useful for SEO point of view. The content must be well describing the providing services with related title. The content should be 500 to 600 worlds long and unique for the website, it means you content should not copy to other website or any articles. Google avoid this. If Google find the copy content on your site then the crawler of the Google never visit again on your website. So never copy the content from any sites. Write self description or you can help form content developer for this.

The content should be easy to understand to all, so that; all visitors understand well what to telling you through your website. If the visitor finds their relative searches and full fill all the solution of their problem then the visitor again visit on your site for further information if they would be need whenever.  If the visitor comes on your site again- again on your site then your site traffic increase and the page rank will automatically increase.

What is Meta title?

First of all to do SEO Meta title is very important for website. Title should be 60 t0 70 char long. It should not be larger than it, because the search engine stops searching after 70 char long title. The crawler doesn’t go ahead form it. So we should express our wishing subject in 60 t0 70 char only. Too much short title is also not good for SEO point of view. Suppose you are writing about the SEO Company in India that provides the SEO service then the tile is suitable for it that SEO service provider company in India. SEO Company, SEO India, India SEO Company and company for SEO is not suitable for this. So take care of this.

it implement in both palace either you use meta title  use in source code of website or  write any article or Press release or any description, so we take care of it.

What is difference between title and keyword?

Answer- As we know that keyword and title are different but we use usually keyword as title. We can use keyword as title but keyword is smaller than the title. We can say that title is used in two or more keywords sense in a single title. Keyword may be one, two, three or more word collection
As for example we explain above about SEO Company in India.  One time more I want to say how to write you both. See example

Title- SEO Service Provider Company in India, Company that provides SEO services in India.
Keyword- SEO Service, SEO services, SEO Company, SEO Company in India.etc.

What is different between Keyword and Tag?

Answer- The tag is used for Common things. It contains whole meaning of Keyword example- SEO Service, SEO, SEO Company.  It meant the all SEO Company in the World not in specific palace of any organization. But keyword explains about specific palace thing or others. Example SEO company in India, Top SEO Company in India,   Service Provider.etc.

A little difference in both but if we take care of it then we get more traffic from Search engine. Some time we see on many article sites or Press release site that ask some keyword and some ask keyword. So-

What Is meta description?

Answer- Meta description explain the keyword that what to say through keyword. The Meta description should be 160 t0 175 char long. Meta description should be containing whole meaning of the keyword.

In the search engine crawler come and read the title, keyword and description. These days some specialist says that keyword and description does not affect the page rank and search result. I think so because thousands of website uses same keyword and description.  Therefore the algorithm of the search engine crawler is depend on other things of the site,

But the SEO point of view and visitor point of view title keyword and the description is necessary because the visitor will understand well about your site through these. So write these three to well what about your website.

What is heading Tag? Why is it necessary?

Heading Tag is very important for website. Keyword and title should be under heading Tag. It is defined by <h1> </h1> to <h6></h6> but <h1> and <h3> is most useful than others. The crawler visits first on heading tag to finding the result.  So we should use this tag in our content source code.
What is Geo Meta tag?
Geo Meta tag means Geographical Description about the website. It may contain region, Palace, Position etc. By Geo Meta tag Search engine understand where this service provided. So it is also an important for SEO.

What is Sitemap?

Answer – Many people has defined it in his ways. I also describe as- Site map is a collection of all links of website. In early days it help to visitor to find easy the content in website but now days the search engine spider also visit on sitemap. Search engine index your all link by sitemap. You must create sitemap for you website. It helps too much in search ranking. You can create it by many tools which is available free on the net. Search in Google sitemap Creator then lots of tool address will available to create it. After creation you can edit as you wish.

What is PPC ?

Answer- Friend you always hear about ppc but unable to understand the real meaning of it cause of hard meaning. so i clear you here very easily way. so PPP stands for Pay per click. it meant The Google or other web search engine provide some ads on the net. you always face the advertisement related text or animated image. when you click on the moving or blinking image the you go to the other site. which is any business or any service provider site. because a link on that image or animated text is available on that.
We earn through the PPC. suppose your website is very popular and thousand of visitor visit your site daily and get useful things. Now you want to earn through the ppc.. then your should be registered on Google Ad-word service that provide you add. Add is related to your website because any visitor click on that image or text that is related to add. visitor click on that add which is provided by Google.
Suppose your site belong to mobile company and Google porvide a add for any mobile such as Nokia mobile, the visitor click on that add and go directly on Nokia mobile website and buy the mobile phone.
Now it means the visitor click on add through your site and buy the other product. It mean's you help the Nokia mobile company.
They you told that what is benefit for us of PPC. then i want to tell you that The Google provide you the money on per click. if any visitor click one time then the Google pay the money for one click. in this way suppose thousand of visitor come on your site and click on that add. then Google or advertisement provider website pay money directly on your account. in this way your earn the money a lot.
Now I think you understand well the meaning of PPC. if any confusion the contact me by mail or comment your wish.

what is RSS

Answer - RSS is just like a bookmarking but it is quite different form bookmarking and directory. RSS stand for Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site summary. first of all i want to tell you about it's benefit. it is rally great ways to promote your site or blog. it is collection of all social sites . if you update any news or article on your website or blog then all the information automatically update and share link on all over. if any visitor subscribed your RSS feed then if any thing you change or update on your website or blog the they automatically get a email about this, so the visitor go through the mail link on your updated information.

RSS is very useful for SEO. so create your RSS feed burner form Google search and create can create form here you give here all your information and after that you give your website or blog URL for it and follow the next process. after it's installation your updated information on your website or blog automatically send the email to your subscribed user.

So I think it is good for website or blog promote, if you create once then you can submit your RSS feed in many RSS submission sites.It is better for bookmarking or directory because it is generated  many links at one time..  visit here for TOP RSS Submission Site list.

what is Robot.txt file ? why it is important for SEO?

Friends, you always confused that what is robots.txt file and why do we use it in out site? so i want to clear you very easily way because you always search on the net and get confused . so don't worry.
Robots .txt is such a file/ technique that prevent to access unwanted serach. It helps us because some time our site effect to unknown various and malware. so it allow/disallow to certain page or whole page to define automatically who is useful or who is harmful for the site..the code of robots.txt file is

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

* it means it disallow whole the page form robots serch.
Search engine define automatically for robots.txt to indexing  page.
Note: Some people says it is not good for website or blog, but it is not true. it is useful for our site or blog. so if you want to create robot.txt file for your site then visit here and follow the step.

How to improve page rank in Google, Yahoo, and Bing? 

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

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