By now, you’ve probably heard all about
Google’s algorithms. If you’re not familiar with Panda, Penguin and
Hummingbird (the algorithm’s cutesy code-names), be sure to read this
excellent, in-depth guide.
Google’s not-so-fluffy algorithms have been sending the SEO community
into a spin since 2011, when the first (Panda) went live. And frequent
updates have continued to wreak havoc on unsuspecting websites.
If you’ve been hit by an algorithm penalty,
it may feel like it’s the end of the road. Watching your rankings tank
and your organic traffic decline can be devastating, but it is possible
to recover. In fact, it’s even possible to improve on your pre-penalty
rankings and traffic.
A few blog posts ago, we showed you how to
recover from a Panda penalty. Today, we’ll be showing you how to bounce
back from a Penguin penalty.
A Brief History of the Penguin Algorithm
Before we go on, let’s first take a look at
what the Penguin algorithm is and does. Announced in April 2012,
Penguin decreases the search rankings of websites that violate Google’s guidelines. More specifically, it targets sites using manipulative black-hat tactics such as link spam and keyword stuffing.
There have been 5 further updates
(confirmed) to the Penguin algorithm, which amounts to roughly 2 or 3 a
year. The most recent was on October 17, 2014 and it impacted around 1% of all English search queries. This number may seem insignificant, but in reality it means millions of pages were de-ranked.
Identify the Penalty
If you wake up one morning to discover your
rankings have suddenly tanked, you’ll probably want to leap into
action. The very first thing you need to do then is identify the
penalty. You can’t fix the problem if you don’t know what it is.
There are two types of penalty: manual and
algorithmic. Manual penalties are easy to identify – you’ll find a
message from Google in your Webmaster Tools account. Google won’t let
you know if you’ve been hit by an algorithm penalty, but a severe and
sudden drop in traffic will give it away.
To find out which algorithm has affected your website, use Algoroo or Mozcast to check for recent updates. If for example you noticed a decline in traffic after October 17th penalty.
Analyze Problem Areas
Bad links and on-site spam are the usual
suspects for a Penguin penalty. First, you will need to analyze all of
your sites inbound links and get rid of harmful ones. Second, review
your website for issues with keyword stuffing, hidden text and link
Jason DeMers
claims that the overwhelming majority of Penguin penalties are doled
out because of link spam, so that’s what we’ll be focusing on today. Bad
inbound links might include:
- Paid for links (not advertising)
- Links on article directories and link farms
- Links in non-industry specific directories
- Links embedded in spammy content
You can use your link profile (found in
Google Webmaster Tools) to search for these types of links. This may be a
long and tedious process, especially if you have thousands of back
links but it is absolutely necessary for recovery. Here is a really
useful guide to performing link audits. However, if you don’t have the time and/or patience to do it yourself, consider enlisting the help of professional auditors.
Remove and Disavow Bad Links
Now you have a list of all suspicious
looking links, it’s time to get rid of them. There are a couple of ways
to do this – you can ask the source website to remove the link or you
can disavow them. It’s important to note that just disavowing links may not be enough, so you should absolutely try to have them removed first.
Contact the webmaster of the source site
and ask politely that they remove the link/s. There’s a great email
request template at the end of this post (though the whole article is worth a read). Send a follow-up email after a couple of weeks if you don’t hear back.
In some cases your request will be denied or ignored so this is when
you will need to disavow the link instead. Some SEO’s recommend
performing disavow requests on every bad inbound link, even the ones
that have been removed. This is entirely your call of course, but it’s
definitely worth considering.
Reassess Your SEO Strategy
‘Prevention is better than cure’ or so the
old saying goes. The cost of being hit by a Google penalty is too great
to ignore. It’s time to clean up your act.
You need a new SEO game plan that
plays by the rules. Familiarise yourself with Google’s Webmaster
Guidelines, shun all spammy practices and focus on creating a marketing
strategy that will make your mother proud. The three pillars of
excellent SEO are: killer content, a great social media campaign and
natural inbound links.
Remember, the tactics that worked a few
years ago are old hat today. Don’t risk another penalty by continuing
with these shady SEO tactics.
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